Customer Success Stories Serving Texas Since 1981

Let’s Make Yours the Next One

Shoppa’s Material Handling has had the honor of working with many different kinds of businesses in many different industries. Each project is unique, bringing with it new challenges and new opportunities. Fortunately, we’ve got an excellent track record of helping our customers achieve the successful outcomes they desire. Here are some of our success stories.

Global Provider of Medical Equipment Chooses Shoppa’s for Warehouse Overhaul

DJO Global
Fort Worth, TX

When DJO Global needed to improve productivity and reduce costs in its Fort Worth distribution facility, it turned to Shoppa’s. The results have exceeded the company’s expectations across the board.

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Toyota Lean Management Principles Pay Dividends at Saddle Creek Logistics

Saddle Creek Logistics
Fort Worth, TX

After seeing how we applied TLM principles in our forklift maintenance program, Saddle Creek challenged us to use these principles to help them find areas of improvement. We did, and it worked.

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National Chicken Processor Keeps Their Cool With the Help of Shoppa’s and Nordock

Brakebush Irving, Inc.
Irving, TX

In need of a way to ensure their team members, product and equipment were safe in their cold storage facilities, Brakebush partnered with us to outfit their facilities with state-of-the-art Nordock dock levelers, restraints and shelters.